Wednesday, September 20, 2006

10 Days and Counting

Well folks, 10 days and we leave for Grenada. I know it is coincidence but today is also the day that GRENCODA got their email service back up and running. It was good to hear that our living arrangements are secure and someone WILL actually be waiting for us at the airport.

Also included in the email was a brief list of possible duties that Kristy and I will undertake. My first duty will be involvement with a cocoa rehabilitation with the Grenada Cocoa Association and some other farmers groups. This project is somewhat contingent on approval for funding from the FAO but it looks exciting. Since the project has not yet been approved I know I will be able to see a development project from its starting point, which I think should prove extremely educational.

Kristy is most likely working with after school and parenting programmes that are a part of the Student Assistance Program. The details are somewhat blurred but she will be paired with a staff person and I think they will not run out of things for her to do.

We have also been given our house address and phone numbers but our faithful readers will have to contact us directly to get those goodies. You know what they say about private info on the internet.

So for now it is back to packing up the house and deciding what clothes I will need for six months on a tropical island. No fleece, no parka, no toque...what is a Canadian to do?

Jason Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

sisters? really?

Jason and I went camping this past weekend with my sister from Kansas and her two daughters. Jay took this picture of us at the water's edge. Can anyone tell that we're sisters???

Anyways, as Jason and I are getting ready to travel we've been putting together mental lists of the things we want to bring along to Grenada and what we want to pack up to store here. It led me to think about what things we value. I know that there are many of you out there in blogland who have been following our blog so I thought I'd throw out this question. What is the one thing that you would just have to bring with you if you were leaving the country for an extended period of time? Leave us a comment with your thoughts, and no, you don't have to have a blog name to be able to post, just click anonymous and sign your name at the end if you want to. Anonymity is quite all right too!
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