Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We're going to Grenada!!

We finally have our tickets. We will be leaving Winnipeg on October 1, staying in Toronto overnight and then will be off to Grenada first thing in the morning on October 2. We will arrive in Grenada by 8:00 pm. It finally feels real! I've been asked by so many people if I'm excited, and until today I haven't been. I guess part of me just needed to have something tangible to tell me that this is actually going to happen. I'm off to start packing up our rental month till lift off!

Kristy Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ah, vacation at last!

Well after a busy few weeks of harvest for Jason, and waitressing for me (15 days straight. ugh.) we finally got to attempt a canoe route that we have wanted to do for years! The route included 6 portages (one way) and covered a total of 55 km. We took three days to do it and paddled in roughly 2/3 of the way on the first day and then enjoyed our second day without our tents and packs. We returned to our first campsite for our second night and paddled out on the third day. These falls behind Jason were a lot of fun as there were portions of the falls that poured into quite deep water and we could stand on the falls and jump/dive in. They are about twice as wide as you can see in the picture. This trip was the breath of fresh air that we were both desperately needing. It also really sparked the desire to do more canoe tripping in the future, any of you out there interested in this kind of venture is more than welcome to join us!

In terms of our travels, we have started to pack up some of the things we're not using. We had decided where we were going to get our flight tickets when we discovered that we needed to be able to change our return date after arrival in Grenada. THis is because visitors to Grenada are allowed to be there for 3 months initially and have to apply for an extention in person. This means that officials will not allow you to enter the country if your return date on your ticket extends past the three month marker. We hope to purchase our tickets on friday, likely at Travel Cuts in Winnipeg. I have spoken with them and feel confident that they will be able to offer a price competitive with the one we were initially planning to buy. As my classmates are getting ready for school it is really hitting home that I won't be going back to University. I realized that I'm actually going to miss it a little bit. I didn't expect that.

Kristy Posted by Picasa