Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cold Cold Cold

Well, in case you haven't guessed by the title of this post we have made it safely back to Canada. Last night in Toronto I truly thought I might not last the two block walk from the subway to our host's house! Ultimately, I made it and managed to warm up before morning. Today we arrived in Winnipeg in the morning, had a great lunch at Jason's mom's and went to see our new house. Well, lets just say we'll keep it. There are a million little things we want/need to do with it, but we'll take it one at a time starting with painting. After a nap this afternoon we're going to go back and decide what colours we want to go with. I realise we still haven't posted about our Barbados trip, but it will come once we have uploaded our pictures. Until then stay safe and keep warm!

Question of the day/week: What has been your favourite place to live and why?

Friday, April 13, 2007

We're Back!

Well, we are back in Grenada. After six months on a tropical island we decided to have a little vacation before we head back to the thawing north, so we took the short flight over to Barbados. We will post a longer and more detailed post in a few days when we get back to Manitoba but here are a couple teaser pictures.

The view from Carlisle Bay

Waiting for a bus after visiting Harrison's Caves

Question of the week: After a long (or even short) time away from home, what did you first want to do/eat/experience when you got back?

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Arrived safely in Barbados. Our gracious hostess, Sheila has extended us every courtesy including making a wonderful meal of fresh fish last night. We went to Rockley Beach yesterday and tried to bodysurf in Atlantic surge without flashing too many people. Today we went on a tour of the island with taxi driving friend of Sheila's. We are looking forward to tomorrow's dive that we have booked as they said that it would be likely that we would be able to see a lot of turtles and other sea life that we had not seen off Grenada.

Everything is expensive but that is what we expected. Weather has been nice and there is always a cool breeze from the east.

We will post with pictures from Grenada when we head back there on the 12th.

Jason & Kristy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Simple Pleasures

As we reflect on our time in Grenada we realise that it is the simple pleasures that made our stay what it was. Sharing meals with locals, trekking off into the back country and partaking of as many opportunities as possible. But before I wax too nostalgic one of the greatest treasures of Grenada is the food. Anyone who knows me knows that I like food and gastronomic adventures are par for the course. I will try anything that is put in front of me and my only regret at leaving Grenada so soon is that I missed that one opportunity to try some cow's head soup on the beach during Kristy's birthday.

We may have missed the mango season (I am told that when the mangoes peak, some roads become too slippery to drive on due to the hundreds of thousands of mangoes that drop before anyone can eat them) but we certainly enjoyed many, many fruits and vegetables that were new to us and we got to enjoy some off season favourites.

Grenada has been a blast!
