Thursday, November 02, 2006

Package from Canada

I guess it is my turn to write a post. Usually Jason does it, mainly because it seems as though he gets to it sooner than I do. I find it somewhat difficult to write about what we experience here, and I’m not really sure why. I do remember feeling the same when I spent time in South America. I’ll do my best none the less.

I’ve been asked what I’m doing while Jason is working with GRENCODA. I am actually volunteering with GRENCODA as well, theoretically I am supposed to be helping with their after school programme, but since the after school programme is still not started (it was supposed to start last month) I have been sitting around the office learning how to just ‘be’.

Otherwise I am enjoying immensely the beauty surrounding me in the forest and green that grows wildly everywhere. The people at the office have been (for the majority) friendly and extremely willing to take time to talk with us and encourage us to come to them with questions and so on. This coming Sunday we have made plans to go with Malcolm, an accountant here at GRENCODA, to Grand Etang National Park and hike up to the Seven Sisters Falls. I am looking forward to the excursion, especially since he has his own car and we will not have to take the busses that make me motion sick!

We received a package today (Nov. 1) in the mail from Jason’s mom. It was pretty darn exciting to go to the post office to pick it up. I first had to go home from the office to get identification and then to the post office. When I got back, Cindica, the secretary, remarked that I returned very soon. I told her that I had to go home first to get my passport and her eyes got wider as she expressed her amazement at the apparent speed with which I walked home, to the post office and back to GRENCODA in the hot hot sun. This is something that we have certainly noticed in Grenada. For the most part people take their sweet time getting from place to place, and there is very little incentive to hurry or walk quickly. Some afternoons on the way home from the office when I am feeling sluggish and dehydrated I join in the slow pace and I think I just about drive Jason crazy. He wants to walk beside me but keeps pulling away as he tries to shorten his stride to match my snails pace! It is funny how easily I fit into the slow pace here when in Canada it would have driven me nuts. I realized today, however, that my quick pace is still inside, but it needed a little bit of an incentive to kick into gear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay I remeber your high speed chasses. Even in Paraguay you were on the GO when everyone pretty much had the same thinking as were you are now. I am glad to hear that both of you are healthy and happy. It's good to hear that you are able to just "BE", I know that it's not as easy when your not that kind of person.
So what was in the package?
Take Care,

2/11/06 6:31 p.m.  

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